A hot, sunny, summer Christmas and a neat Christmas tree in the Plaza Mayor, Lima, Peru!I love to travel. It is honestly one of my very favorite things.…
I sat in the living room tonight surrounded by a group of incredible people who have quickly become close friends and who are so passionate and full of…
Sometimes days can pass and life turns timelessthe ebb and flowthe coming and goingit all blends together, seamless.The tides rise and fallthe sun rises and setsand we forget…
Footsteps sound on hard pavement. The sounds of car horns fill the air. Women stand on the streets selling grilled cow heart and potatoes. We hold hands and pray.…
My diaphragm contracts and expands. Lungs inflate, oxygen fills. & my first conscious breath is taken, awake. Dirt beneath bare feet, footsteps. My feet have stood on the…
priv·i·legedˈpriv(ə)lijd/adjectivehaving special rights, advantages, or immunities.I pledge allegiance to the Flagof the United States of Americaand to the Republic for which it standsOne Nation under GodIndivisiblewith liberty and…
Sandra.Barely 5 feet tall, she is petite with dark black hair. She is the first person we met while doing outreach ministry on Friday nights. But more than that, she…
People are beautiful creations. We are loved by a creative God. He is doing something incredible in the world today. Bridging gaps with love. Building relationships not despite…
We talk about them, our hearts filled.Filled with wonder, a touch of awe.The first church. The first believers who didn’t call themselves Christians but were called by everyone…
This missionary life, it suddenly seems like a roller coaster.The kind that makes your heart beat out of your chest and sends you plunging straight down, weightless for…
It’s hard to believe that we have already been married for an entire year. It has gone by in the blink of an eye, and I feel for…